
All about Me Free Printable for Kindergarten - Ihsaan Home Academy


As we're starting Kindergarten soon in shaa Allah, the All about Me notebooking activity is what I'm planning on starting with my daughter in shaa Allah. This is an activity that can cover every subject  while also helping students learn about themselves.

It's very important for children to be aware of who they are, where they live, and where they come from. This activity is good for studying Geography, History, Math, and other subjects.

There's a part of the printable named 'Where I live' with extra pages to create a fun and visual activity showing the difference between a continent, a country, all the way to 'My Home.'
It helps the child understand that a planet is bigger than a continent, a country is bigger than a city, and so forth.

It is most suitable for children ages 4 to 8 (but can be used with any age).

Total number of pages: 10
Print: A4 sheets


Umm Sumayyah is a mother of two and a former teacher who turned into a home educator after becoming a mother. She is also an editor and a researcher who loves collecting and sharing information on social matters, education, career, and entrepreneurship.


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