
Free Ramadhan 1438/2017 Recipe & Meal Planner

As Ramadhan is approaching, it is also wise to get ready ahead of time, not only for in ibadah (worship), but also in meal preparation. Because of that, I set up a recipe and meal planner that I would love to share with everyone. If you download this file, please leave me a feedback of what you think of it, to report a mistake, or to share a suggestion. Getting feedbacks will inShaa Allah help me make future improvements and know whether or not people are using the printable.

This planner comes with:
1. Tabs
2. Tab Indicators
3. Quotes from the Qur'an and Ahadith (After Every Tab Indicator)
2. Meal Planner (Month at a Glance, Weekly Planner, Eid Meal Plan)
3. Inventory
4. Grocery List (With Eid Grocery List)
5. Recipes (Recipe Planner)
6. Notes

Number of pages: 46
Paper size: A4
For better printing result, please set your printer to Borderless!
You are free to download as many places as you like, but please respect the terms of use laid out on the page after the cover page.


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